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Muscari ‘The Magical Muscari Mixture’

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While it’s commonly known as Blue Grape Hyacinth, there’s absolutely nothing common about this Muscari mixture! A delightful choice with tones of periwinkle, sapphire, cerulean, pale wisteria and white above ample green foliage clumps. Their light sweet, grapey fragrance adds to their allure in the garden. High on the list of simple-to-grow, durable bulbs, Muscari thrive in full sun or deciduous shade, tolerate practically any soil, and seem to live forever. They’re deer and rodent resistant, too! Inexpensive and fast to multiply, they're a perfect choice to create a carpet of soft blues beneath early daffodils or tulips. Because Muscari are so often grown en masse and their flowers are small, it's easy to miss how beautiful and intricate they are. Bring a few stems of this Magical Mixture indoors for a sweetly scented bouquet and admire their complex structure and glass-bead-like detail up close. April/May 6” 10 bulbs per bag


Lancaster Garden Club is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Massachusetts, P.O. Box 22, South Lancaster, Massachusetts 01561

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